Activities and preparations for "The Game" are reaching a fever pitch.
In the best-attended Harvard football game of the year, the University's battle with traditional archrival Yale is expected to draw about 28,000 people to the Square this weekend, according to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD).
For Harvard students and the thousand of students and alumni arriving tomorrow night, there will be a myriad of activities, such as the collaboration between the Harvard and Yale Glee Clubs in concert at Sanders Theatre, and "The Dance," at Lowell House.
Thirty-seven tailgate parties are officially scheduled before the game, according to Harvard Alumni Association representative Kathryn Fazzalaro.
Sales of souvenirs for this event have been brisk so far and are expected to pick up as kickoff nears. The Harvard Marching Band printed 350 "I Hate Yale..." shirts, expecting to sell about 300 this week "At the moment it seems like sales are goingwell, and we will be selling at the game itselftoo," said David J. Greene '93. The Mass Army and Navy Surplus Shop in theSquare has also begun to sell "Yuck Fale" shirtsto eager buyers. "This is the first time we'vedecided to sell a shirt for 'The Game,' and so farwe're predicting good sales," said owner MarilynK. Glaser. Other Square suppliers are reaping the benefitsof this event. "It really depends, but we'reexpecting a big weekend, with as much as a 50percent increase in sales," said a HarvardProvision Company employee. In response to the expected crowds the HUPD hasbeen planning precautions, particularly aroundSoldiers Field Stadium for all day Saturday. "More will be taking place in the form ofget-togethers and small gatherings, too," shesaid. The Undergraduate Council (UC) is sponsoring atailgate barbecue for all students before the gameas well. According to UC member Peter S. Cahn '96,approximately 300 to 400 students from each classare expected to attend the pre-game party. Harvard Police are planning to deploy between15 and 20 officers to the Game alone, saidLieutenant Lawrence J. Murphy, coordinator ofspecial operations. "Every Yale game here draws a crowd of bothYale students visiting Harvard friends, and alumniwho return to school for big events," he said."We'll be busier than usual, due to the largernumber of people in the area, but we'll take careof everything." According to Lieutenant Charles Schwab, atleast one guard will be dispatched to the Yard "tomake sure no one paints John Harvard blue--Yaleblue.