

MALCOLM X at Harvard...Now

How do you teach the importance of Malcolm X at Harvard? Three courses--and one extension school class--are tackling the task this semester At least, they ordered the Autobiography of Malcolm X from the Coop for their syllabi.

AFRO-AM 143: Race and Self-Making in Modern America--Taught by Visiting Lecturer Jeffrey Decker.

This seminar aims to consider "the impact of gender, ethnic and racial identities on narratives of 'self-making' in America over the past century" according to the course guide.

HISTORY 1660 AND 1660E: The U.S. Since World War II--Taught by Professor Ellen Fitzpatrick.

Topics include the "Cold War, anticommunist crusades" and Malcolm X, whose autobiography is discussed in class this week.


SOCIOLOGY 60: Race and Ethnic Relations--Taught by Professor Mary C. Waters

Studies theoretical and historical approaches as well as "current relations among racial and ethnic groups in the United States."

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