Welcome to the 1992 Career Forum. I hope you find the information gathered here both helpful and informational as you begin your job search. The Recruiting Office is located in Room 209 at 54 Dunster Street. Our office hours are Monday-Friday 9:00-12:30 and 1:30-4:00, except Tuesday 10:00-12:30 and 1:30-4:00.
During the Fall, September-December, all information pertaining to recruiting will be found in the OCS Newsletter under On-Campus Recruiting. The OCS Newsletter is published and distributed to the houses weekly. Copies are also availiable at OCS. During January, February, and March, the Recruiting Office publishes and distributes to all houses each Friday the Recruiting News. All information for Spring Recruiting will be found in this publication.
Interviews in the fall are conducted at the Office of Career Services, 54 Dunster Street. Interviews for Spring Recruiting will be held at the Freshman Union in the Reading Room.
Those students eligible to participate in the Recruiting Program are seniors and alumni of Harvard College, full-time graduate students and alumni of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. On occasion companies come on campus to recruit underclassmen for summer jobs and internship programs. These positions are listed separately in the Newsletter and follow the same procedures as fall recruiting listed below.
There are a limited number of companies and students participating in the Fall Recruiting Program. Because of these limited numbers the procedures are less structured. When applying to companies in the Fall program you must come to the Recruiting Office and fill out a registration card and submit one copy of your resume for our files. In addition, we will need copies of your resume, plus all special application materials, for each open or closed company you are submitting materials to. Under the open system, first-come, first-served, you submit your resume(s) and sign up for an interview(s) at the same time. Under the closed system students submit resumes in advance for company review and selection of interviewees. Resume submission deadlines are usually 3 weeks prior to the company visit; they are listed in the On-Campus Recruiting Section of the OCS Newsletter. Companies will then notify you by letter or mailgram that you have been selected for an interview. You then bring this letter to the recruiting office to sign up for a time.
The Spring Recruiting Program consists of two rounds. The First Round of the Spring Recruiting program begins on Monday, February 1st, 1993 and ends Friday, February 26th. The deadline for submitting materials for the First Round is Wednesday, December 16th at 1:00 p.m. The Second Round of the Spring Recruiting program begins on Friday, March Ist, 1993 and ends Friday, March 19th. The deadline for submitting materials for the second round is Friday, February 5th at 1:00 PM. There is also a Late Spring Round of recruiting (March 22-25). This is not part of the formal recruiting process. Late Spring is reserved for those companies who have decided later on that they would like to interview students on campus. It is open to all full-time students and alumni of Harvard College and GSAS. The procedures for Late Spring are the same as the Fall. Companies participating will be listed in the Recruiting News beginning in January.
RECRUITING ORIENTATION MEETINGS-- The Orientation Meetings for Spring Recruiting will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Novermber 3rd and 4th at 4:00 PM in the Science Center, Room "C". In order to participate in Spring Recruiting, you must attend one of these sessions. No exceptions will be made. At these meetings all materials pertaining to Spring Recruiting will be handed out. No materials will be given out at the Recruiting Office. We will also thoroughly explain the point systems, computer forms, time tables, deadlines, and all other information necessary for successful participation in the Recruiting Program. All your questions will be answered at this time.
INFORMATION MEETINGS-- Many companies hold Information Meetings in the Fall to inform students about job opportunites. These meetings are listed in the OCS Newsletter in the On-Campus Recruiting section. Be sure to check the Newsletter for the time and location of the meeting, FC=Faculty Club, OCSCR=Office of Career Services Conference Room, CH=Charles Hotel, IH=Inn at Harvard, etc. It is important that you attend the meetings of those companies that you are interested in submitting your resume to. There is a Group Meeting List posted in the front hall of OCS and a Master List posted in the Recruiting Office each week.
RESEARCHING COMPANIES-- Students should start researching companies and industries of interest now. Company literature and Fact Sheets are available for students to read in the Business Section of OCS. The Recruiting Resource Center (which is in the basement of OCS), has additional company literature placed in Hanging Files. The information in the Business Section and Hanging Files is there for you to read only. Additional literature that is placed on the bookcases (Hand Out Section) in the Recruiting Resource Center is there for you to take. In addition to the Business Section, complete sets of Company Fact Sheets and Job Descriptions for Spring and Fall Recruiting are available in your House Library, the Recruiting Resource Center and the Recruiting Office. Beginning on November 3rd we will make available to students for purchase Fact Sheets of the companies coming in February only. March Fact Sheets will be available in January.
For the most up-to-date information about the on-campus recruiting program, check the Recruiting Bulletin Boards. They are located in the Recruiting Resource Center in the basement of OCS. All Fall and Spring Schedules will be posted here. Bid Results, Recruiting Information, and Company Ads will also be posted on these bulletin boards. Bid results for February will be posted on Wednesday, January 6th and for March on Wednesday, February 10th.
If you need help with your resume, counselors are available from 1:30-2:30 on a daily walk-in basis throughout the Fall. Check the schedule in the Reception Room for dates and times. The OCS Newsletter will list Counselors who are also available by appointment if you would like help with your career decisions.
We are here to help and assist you with the recruiting process. If you have any questions regarding the On-Campus Recruiting Program, please see Judy Murray, Eileen Farren or Lias Wentz in Room 209.
Read more in News
Wishing You Were Here This Summer