
Walsh Indictment Shakes City

Crowds Call for Walsh's Removal

No one mentioned the one conspicuously vacant seat and one repeatedly missing vote last night during the City Council meeting.

But people picketing outside City Hall yesterday afternoon had plenty to say about City Councillor William H. Walsh.

Carrying signs that boasted "See Bill run" and "Bill took our money and fled," 30 Cantabrigians gathered in front of City Hall demanding Walsh's resignation or removal as a member of the council.

"His [Walsh's] actions show a complete betrayal of public trust," said Michael H. Turk, co-chair of the Cambridge Tenant's Union. "And the only step to be taken is either for him to resign or to be removed from office."

Turk and other picketers said the council hadnot responded satisfactorily to the disappearanceof Walsh.

Walsh, a three-term city councillor wasindicted on 59 charges of conspiracy, bank fraud,and making false statements last Thursday.


"However serious the crime was, the cover up isjust as serious," said Turk in a speech to thecrowd. "It's clear that this city needs to moveon."

The protesters were challenged by at least onesupporter of the embattled councillor. John R.Natale, a member of the Small Property OwnersAssociation, said the real issue behind the rallywas rent control and that Walsh had "never stolena penny" from him.

"Walsh is the only one who defends propertyrights," said Natale. "He's anti-rent control andthey [the Tenant's Union] always wanted to gethim. Now they're happy."

The Tenant's Union protesters also called onthe city solicitor to investigate Walsh's legalstatus on the council since he has been classifieda "fugitive."

"We will ask the City Council that theyrecognize that there's a fraudulent and dishonestperson in the council," said Geoffrey Gardner, aresident of Cambridge.

The city charter does not require councillorswho have been indicted or convicted to relinquishtheir seats, Mayor Kenneth E. Reeves '72 said.

Although the protesters said they would bringtheir case before the council, they left themeeting before speaking
