
Walsh Will Likely Surrender Self To Authorities, Associates Say

Indicted Councillor May Have Skipped Town With Mother

Friends and allies of William H. Walsh said yesterday that they believe the indicted City Councillor will "come to his senses" and turn himself over to authorities.

Despite published reports that Walsh may have fled to San Francisco, Canada or Ireland, political allies and observers said yesterday the councillor will likely turn himself in when his legal counsel, Jeremiah T. O'Sullivan, returns to Boston tomorrow.

"It is not like him to not face up to his responsibilities," said Independent City Councillor Sheila T. Russell. "I have a feeling that he will be here."

Federal officials have been unable to locate Walsh and classified him as a "fugitive" Thursday when he did not surrender himself after the indictment was issued. Walsh, 47, was indicted for 59 counts of bank fraud and conspiracy.

The Boston Globe reported yesterday that a "close friend" said Walsh's girlfriend drove both Walsh and his 86-year-old mother, Catherine Walsh, to the airport Thursday when the indictment was first issued.


According to the councillor's law firm, Ferraro & Walsh, Walsh is on a "business trip." Catherine Walsh was not able to be reached for comment.

"Jail is not a nice place to be and the prospect of serving 59 counts at five years apiece is not pleasant," said local political talk show host Glenn S. Koocher '71, who has known Walsh for 25 years.

But Koocher, a former six-term Cambridge school committee member, said Walsh is a "very smart and very quickwitted man" who "is not a likely candidate to run [from the FBI]."

Although they would not speculate about their colleague's whereabouts or motives, council allies of Walsh said yesterday they are surprised Walsh has not yet surrendered himself to authorities.

"He must know," said Independent Councillor Walter J. Sullivan, rejecting speculation that Walsh may be on vacation and not aware of his indictment. "But whatever possessed him to do what he's doing, I can't believe ... He must be emnbarrassed and he must be feeling the pressure."

Sullivan added that he believes Walsh will "come to his senses" and turn himself in before the FBI locates him.

Russell, who has also known Walsh for 25 years, also said it is unlikely Walsh does not know he is wanted by federal authorities. "[He'd] have to be in a cavesomewhere to not know he's been indicted," shesaid.

Walsh--a staunch defender of developer rightsand opponent of rent control--was indicted with 18others for allegedly making false down payments oncondominium projects. to inflate prices and tosecure larger mortgage loans for other projects
