Marching ominously in black, hooded robes, more than 20 science fiction lovers performed their annual rites in bidding Daylight Savings Time farewell early Sunday morning.
Members of the Harvard-Radcliffe Science Fiction Association carried candles and other paraphernalia as they circled the Yard and honored the god of time, Chronos, with speeches and chants on the steps of Widener Library.
"If we didn't do this, time as we know it would collapse," said Carl E. Anderson '93, the group's co-chair. "The whole point is to turn three into two so that we can all get an extra hour of sleep. It won't happen without us. We don't know how they did it before us." The association began its march at Harvard Hallwith a candle-lighting. The marchers then begantheir tour of the Yard, amassing a following ofbewildered onlookers. Though cold winds repeatedly extinguished theceremonial candles and impeded the march, theevent's so-called Grand High Poobah, Matthew B.Ender '93, urged on the group. "Our journey may take a little longer," hesaid. "Is not time blessed?" Ender completed the ceremonies with a speech onthe Widener steps detailing the history ofDaylight Savings Time and of the association'sobservance of the `holiday.' "Men may remember Chronos by changing theirclocks, watches and sundials," he said, arguingthat the god of time should not be taken forgranted. "Thus was created Daylight Savings Time." The ceremony was interrupted by three Harvardstudents who appeared on the library steps intheir boxer shorts. The men disrupted the rites byblowing out candles, pulling down their shorts,and singing the Canadian national anthem, "OCanada," during Ender's speech. A Harvard police officer arrived in time toprevent a physical confrontation. Rites concluded at the John Harvard statueshortly after 2 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. Theclub plans to hold a similar march in the springto celebrate the `Departure of the Hour.
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