CLINTONBUSH PEROT Reprimands 4 8, including one stern lecture on the rules from moderator Jim Lehrer 6 Non-Answers Only one. Only one. 4, including 3 on the same question (which he never did answer) Power Accessories Black suit, a reprisal of the light blue shirt from last time, red tie with blue dot pattern. Black suit, very bright red tie, with blue and yellow flecks. Bush's flecks were larger than Clinton's dots. Gray suit, tie with wide diagonal dark, medium and light blue stripes. First tie without any red in the debates. Body Language .Looks of Utter Disbelief--7 .Looks of Disbelief Directed at Bush--7 .Looks of Self-Satisfying Inner Confidence--3 .Phony Exaggerated Grins--1 .Multi-second Dramatic Pauses--5 .Looks of Utter Disbelief--2 .Looks of Repressed Anger--6 .Looks of Deep Sadness with Regard to Bill Clinton's Character--2 .Phony Exaggerated Grins--8 .Nose Blows--1 Multi-Second Guffaws--1 .Resting on Eye-Level Podium--most of debate. .Phony Exaggerated Grins--3 .Drawing of attention to ears--Not this time. Media BashesNone, instead, he quotes The Washington Post Only once last night 5 times. but quotes The Wall Street Journal once, and tells Bush to get a Nexis/Lexis on Iraq twice. Congress 2, and he talks about cutting down Congressional staffs 11, holds out hope for "new Congress" only once. 3, and talks about going into Washington and "holding hands" with people Stock Phrases ."Tax"--20 times "Jobs"--13 times, exactly the same number as the last debate .The word "change"--9 times, for a gand total of 28 times ."Health care"--8 times ."Trickle down"--6 times .Americans are "working harder and making less"--4 times ."Hunky-dory"--Only once ."Character"--5 times, ."Tax"--18 times ."Tax and spend"--3 times, for a total of 7 ."Trust"--3 times ."Experience"--Twice, but no `Who do you trust' ."90/90 hind-sight"--Once ."Budget deficit"--Five times ."Gridlock"--Twice ."Servant of the people"--Twice, for a total of four times ."Electronic town hall"--Only once ."The White House is a bully pulpit"--Only once, for a grand total of four times ."It's pretty simple"--Twice ."Froot-Loopy"--Once, mercifully A Few of our Favorite Quotes ."It's hard to outspend Congress, but he's trying to..." .A little later..."When you outspend Congress, you're really swinging." ."Read my plan." ."You can't promise something like [no new taxes] just to get elected." ."The person responsible for domestic and economic policy in my administation will be Bill Clinton." ."[Bush's] whole deal is that you have to be for it or against it; you can't make it better." ."I will not raise taxes on the middle class to pay for these programs." ."Jim Baker's a man." ."I've never heard Gov. Clinton make a mistake" .Bush's favorite bumper sticker--`Annoy the media, Vote for President Bush' .On women Senate candidates: "I hope a lot of them lose"--Damage control, George? ."This is a little defensive on your part...and I'm not defensive at all about [women in his administration]." .Democrats load up bills with "Christmas ornaments," and 30 minutes later, with "Christmas trees." .He'll get to the "center of the bullseye of the core of the problem." ."I've lived the American Dream."--Sound familiar? ."I have lived with the burden of the Middle East..." .On the cost of the S & L crisis: "Just tell me now. I'm grown up, I can deal with it." ."A giant sucking sound of jobs..." ."If you confiscate the Forbes 400 wealth, take it all, you cannot balance the budget this year." ."I'm putting my wallet on the table for you and your children." ."I can say that I run a grocery store, that doesn't mean I could run Wal-Mart."
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