
Local Nabbed on Drug Charge

HUPD Arrest 25-Year-Old in Sever Hall for Heroin Possession

A Cambridge resident was arraigned Friday morning at Cambridge District Court on a charge of felony possession of a Class A controlled substance, according to Harvard police.

Police arrested David Seager, 25, at Harvard's Sever Hall on Friday evening, after responding to a 6:55 p.m. call reporting an assault in the fourth floor men's room.

Officer Richard Vitale and security guard Brian Lakin arrived to find Seager attempting to wake a female companion who had lost consciousness after apparently overdosing on heroin. Police officials said they do not believe Seager or his female companion are affiliated with the University.

Emergency medical technicians arrived on the scene and revived the woman. Police reports said Seager helped emergency workers to determine the woman's condition.

"He assisted the EMTs in identify- ing the alleged drug that she might haveoverdosed on," Lt. Charles Schwab said.

Schwab said Seager did not reveal to police whyhe was at Sever Hall.


Emergency workers brought the woman toCambridge City Hospital Friday night. Officialsthere said they cannot disclose her name orcondition until police levy an official chargeagainst her.

But Schwab did confirm that she faces apossible charge of possession of a controlledsubstance. He said police action will depend oninformation from lab analysis of the recovereddrug and discussion with the district attorney'soffice.

Police reports said police officers found twohypodermic syringes and several packets of a whitepowder believed to be heroin when they conducted abody search of Seager. Schwab said powder has beensent to the Department of Public Health's Bostondrug laboratories for analysis.

Seager was arrested and brought to the HarvardUniversity Police Department for booking. He waslater transferred to the Cambridge PoliceDepartment for holding until his arraignment

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