
AAA Begins Push for Permanent Asian-American Studies Courses

The Asian American Association's political committee promised yesterday to pressure the University to establish permanent Asian-American studies courses and increase the number of Asian-American tenured professors.

"We hope, by the end of this school year, to present to the administration some sort of proposal," said committee co-chair Amy C. Tang `94.

The committee plans to call for permanent Asian-American studies courses in the English, sociology and history departments, Tang said. She said that the committee is also interested in establishing an American studies or American cultures department that integrates the many different cultures and histories of the United States.

"What we have had are Asian-American literature courses taught by visiting professors," Co-chair Eunice Yoon '93 said. "We seem to be getting token courses every year. Asian Americans form an integral part of American history, so why aren't there permanent Asian-American courses in that department?"

Tang said that the committee will not recommend the creation of an Asian-American studies department.


This month, La O, the Puerto Rican students organization, and Raza, the Mexican-American students organization,have stepped up pressure on administrators formore Latin American courses and professors.

More Weight

According to Yoon, the committee wants to seemore tenured Asian-American professors at Harvardbecause they "have more weight than visitingprofessors to clearly criticize theadministration."

Yoon said that current financial constraintsmust be taken into consideration, but that "thereare more steps that could be taken than are beingtaken."

Things to Come

The committee's plans include meetings withadministrators, an open letter to theadministration and finding a tenured professor tosponsor Asian-American studies courses. Furthersteps will depend on administration response, Yoonsaid.

An open house, featuring sample lectures fromAsian-American courses taught at other schools, isscheduled for December 2.

"We are out to do something," Tang said. "Wehave a lot of new ideas. We want to make themconcrete."

Other Business

In other business, the committee discussedHarvard's Asian-American admissions policies andthe possibility of working with African-Americanand Hispanic students.

The Asian American Association created thepolitical committee two weeks ago in response toevents last spring involving racist slurs directedagainst Asians, according to Tang
