

Tsorry, Tsongas

Paul Tsongas

Paul E. Tsongas got an early start on the 1992 presidential campaign trail, but he's still a Greek-Democrat-from-Massachusetts. That wouldn't be so terrible, if it weren't for that other Greek-Democrat-from-Massachusetts, Michael S. Dukakis.

You remember Dukakis. He won the nomination last time around, but lost the election that mattered. Because of Dukakis, the entire species of Greek-Democrat-from-Massachusetts has suffered in the minds of those whose endorsements and campaign donations matter. Tsongas differs from Dukakis in at least one important way: He has less charisma.

Tsongas has recovered from a serious bout with cancer, which should earn him courage points. Unfortunately, the former senator now seems to feel a need to show the world how fit and healthy he actually is. He does this by dressing up in skimpy bathing suits and going swimming. The only thing that looks funnier than Dukakis in a tank is Tsongas in a Speedo.

Aesthetic faults aside, Tsongas does put forth an interesting blend of ideas. A liberal on most social issues, he has made a call for economic competitiveness based on public-private partnerships the mainstay of his campaign.

But despite the initial intrigue that Tsongas's neo-liberal ideas will generate in many, there are problems. Tsongas, like President Bush, advocates a capital gains tax cut--too regressive for most Democrats.


And his experience as head of the Massachusetts governing board for, public higher education was a near-total failure.

Tsongas is by all indications a nice guy. He's probably more honest than the average politician, and his Greek immigrant heritage gives him a keen appreciation of the American dream.

But if this guy thinks he's going to be president, he's probably been underwater too long.

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