To the Editors of the Crimson:
When Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel's Coordinating Council voted (by an overwhelming majority) to condemn AALARM's hateful gay-bashing posters last week, it unleashed a torrent of ridiculously vitriolic criticism. AALARM has claimed that Hillel is "a political, PC hack group," and that it has been "subverted by a radical faction." No such thing. Hillel is simply acting in the Jewish tradition of upholding the sanctity of human life--all human life.
As AALARM points out, traditional Judiasm, like Christianity, does prohibit homosexual activity. Judiasm does not, however, prohibit homosexuals. This distinction is obviously lost on AALARM, which called for the exclusion of homosexuals from Harvard and their imprisonment in last week's postering campaign. Such personal attacks are anathema to the entire Jewish tradition; our history has taught us to resist hate and persecution and to defend others who are victims of hate and persecution.
AALARM calls for the violent persecution of certain minorities. Hillel campaigns for tolerance and fairness for all people. Which group is operating under the absence of religion and morality? Yvette C. Alt '93 Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel Coordinating Council
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Affirmative Action at Harvard