To the Editors of The Crimson:
We would like to express our extreme dissatisfaction with Kenneth A. Katz's unfair characterization of Mower Hall ("First-Years: Don't Ruin Our House," March 19). Unlike Mather House, which cannot be defended, Mower possesses several redeeming qualities. In fact, we are the envy of our bright-eyed, bushy-tailed classmates.
As this newspaper correctly noted in its summer issue, Mower residents have their own private courtyard. This courtyard is especially useful in the spring months for working on one's tan.
Mower is, without question, the height of convenience. Mowerites have the luxury of waking up at noon and being early for those stimulating Ec 10 lectures. Cabot Library (read pre-med study hall) is a great place to find the answers to that impossible Chem 10 problem set. Mower is next to Phillips Brooks House, which allows us to contribute several hours each day to furthering the cause of humanity.
Finally, Mower residents enjoy choice seating at all Harvard Glee Club events because we are right next to Holden Chapel. (We also have the privilege of marvelling at its wonderful Georgian architecture each morning as we trek to breakfast.)
Mower is a hop, skip and a jump away from Harvard's finest athletic facility. Contrary to popular belief, Hemenway is not just for law students. Mowerites stay fit, taking advantage of the weight room and basketball courts. Hemenway is also the home of Harvard's champion squash team. Mower residents can hone their squash skills seven days a week until 11 p.m. No other athletic facility offers such convenience.
Every resident in Mower has a single. We, too, keep ourselves occupied. Moreover, Mowerites have their own private bathrooms. No waiting three hours to take a shower here.
Mowerites know the advantages of anonymity. We have the highest per capita consumption of alcohol in the Yard. Since the Harvard police cannot find us, we basically have carte blanche when it comes to booze. Our parties have been known to get out of hand at times. (We have received several warnings from the Freshman Dean's Office about our "gatherings.")
Mower is a prototype of Harvard's diversity. In one room alone, there is a preppie, a gov jock and an East Asian studies concentrator. We have agnostics, Communists, even a social Darwinist. Diversity is Mower's middle name.
If none of these arguments convince you of Mower's superiority, we would just like to point out that our proctor can beat up your proctor, so nyahh! Residents of Mower B
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