
A Very Brief History of A Very Very Secretive Search

May 1990

After nearly 20 years in office, President Derek C. Bok announces shortly before Commencement, that he plans to step down in June of 1991.


The nine-member search committee is named Acting Dean of the Faculty Henry Rosovsky, who is on the committee, announces that he is not a candidate for the job.



The committee begins to compile a list of candidates and to interview Harvard faculty and administrators about what qualities they would like the; next president to have.


The search committee finishes compiling a long list of over 200 names, but says new names may be added to the list as the process goes on.


The search committee has pared the list down to between 35 and 50 names. After repeated delays, students receive letters from the committee asking them to write with any comments they may have regarding the search.


At a meeting with representatives of the Undergraduate Council, search committee members rebuff a request for increased student input in the decision-making process.


Search committee members present a list of 18 to 25 candidates to the Board of overseers for discussion.

January, 1991

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