
Results From 1990 Census Indicate Cambridge Is Becoming More Diverse

Cambridge continues to grow as a center for racial diversity in Massachusetts, according to recently released census results.

Figures from the 1990 Census show that minority groups comprise approximately 29 percent of the total population, a marked increase of almost 50 percent from the 1980 figures.

And the numbers indicate that the city is more ethnically diverse than the rest of the state. Its Black, Asian and Hispanic populations all increased significantly since the 1980 Census.

Cambridge's Asian population, comprising approximately eight percent of the city, has risen to its highest level in history. The group, which has seen a 50 percent increase in size in the last 10 years, is now the second-largest racial minority after Blacks.

Cambridge's Black population rose approximately 25 percent to about 12,930 in the past decade. The recent census also noted a 43 percent increase in the city's Hispanic population. The group now numbers 6506.


But the figures indicate that Massachusetts has a less diverse population. Minority groups make up 10 percent of the state's total number while three-quarters of the population is white.

Blacks make up five percent of the Massachusetts population, Hispanics approximately three percent, and Asians about two percent.

Cambridge, which is now the state's sixth-largest city, grew by 480 residents over the last 10 years.

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