
Required Reading

A sampling of what Harvard people are saying, and what others are saying about Harvard, in the press.

We're No Dartmouth

In a remarkable feat of hubris, this month's Dartmouth Alumni Magazine published a mini quiz titled, "Is Harvard Becoming More Like Dartmouth?" The magazine urges readers to "Test your ability to discriminate!" (exclamation point theirs). The quiz lists 46 facts, and asks readers to identify which apply to Harvard, which apply to Dartmouth and which apply to both. Here's a sampling:

Harvard-educated president. (Dartmouth, not Harvard)

Leader in hyperthermia research. (Harvard, not Dartmouth)


Owns land in the Florida Keys. (D, not H)

Owns a ski area. (D, not H)

Expository writing requirement. (H, not D).

And now, some fun "facts" that somehow eluded us:

Library catalog fully electronic (Dartmouth and Harvard)

In fact, only part of Harvard's library holdings are listed on HOLLIS.

Calls itself the "College on the Hill." (Dartmouth and Harvard)

That's "College on the Mount" to you, Dartmouth.


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