
Reporter's Notebook

Deep Throat

Crimson editors tend to dismiss "anonymous phone tips" as the work of unfunny Lampoon pranksters or overzealous first-years who have just rented All the President's Men. Yesterday morning, the phone rang, as it tends to do at the Crimson, with yet another anonymous tipster. The conversation went something like this:

Editor: Hello?

Caller: I have an anonymous tip.

Editor: Yes?


Caller: I work in the dining services, and I just wanted to let you know that today is Deli Day in Adams House.

Editor: Oh.

Two platefuls of corned brisket, half-sour pickles and baked apples later, a certain Crimson editor was overheard vowing never to take anonymous tips lightly again.

Caller Two: Bong Number

In case you hadn't noticed, yesterday's What is To Be Done featured a large bong on its cover, prompting the following (inevitable?) call:

Editor: Hello, Harvard Crimson.

Caller: Yeah, I was calling about this week's What is To Be Done. How could I go about getting a bong like the one on the cover?

Editor: What?

Caller: I'm an editor and I wanted to know where that bong came from. Do the executive editors have one of their own?

Editor: I believe it was a borrowed bong. But you could call back for [magazine editors] Steve or Rebecca.

Caller: That's okay.

For the record: No, the executive editors do not have their own bong, and if they did, they certainly wouldn't tell you where they keep it.
