To the Editors of The Crimson:
"AALARM Goes Off" from Rob Wasinger of the Association Against Learning in the Absence of Religion and Morality was one of the most idiotic and hatred-filled letters I have ever read.
To say that "for AALARM, our actions represent our lives; we are fighting to preserve traditional family values; for the BGLSA (and its supporters), it's just another extracurricular activity" is ridiculous. People in the Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Students Association are fighting for something that is about as important as it gets: their identity.
Heterosexuals as well as homosexuals link their identity with the sexual act. It's easy to forget this because heterosexuality is accepted in mainstream America. Moreover, to say that copulation is "the most base of all human instincts" degrades a joyful and natural experience. Sex was given, by God if you like, as a way to love each other.
Go ahead, AALARM. Preserve your traditional family values. Be fruitful and multiply. But forget the hateful letters and love your neighbor as yourself. Katya Weiner '93
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Looking Out for Number One