

Bigotry and Puritanical Sexual Prudishness


To the Editors of The Crimson:

Robert Wasinger's letter to The Crimson (October 16) on behalf of AALARM is one of the more frightening statements that it has been our displeasure to read.

Wasinger is typical of bigots who blame their victims for exhibiting pride in themselves. Just like the racists who hypocritically decry Blacks' pride in being Black, he condemns (as "reprehensible" and "morally repugnant") gays and lesbians on the grounds that their "definition of self is linked to the most base of all human instincts: copulation."

If the identify of some gays, lesbians and bisexuals is linked to sexuality in a way that the identity of others is not, it is only because they have been oppressed on the grounds of their sexuality. Bigots like Wasinger make sexuality a public issues, and then take offense when their victims react in a public way.

Besides bigotry, Wasinger exhibits a puritanical sexual prudishness. His disgust for sex is obvious. But what is so "base" about sex? Some people (lesbian, gay, straight and bisexual) associate sex with pleasure, happiness and, yes, love. Perhaps these sorts of feelings are beyond the capacities of Wasinger.


Wasinger also decries "homophiles" for their lack of "regard for the family, the basic building block of civilized society and of legitimate government." On what grounds, however, does he assume that lesbians, gays and bisexuals do not form families?

It is by identifying the family with heterosexuality--and ignoring the relationships gays, lesbians and bisexuals have with their partners, parents, siblings and children--that Wasinger comes to this conclusion. In other words, he builds the "conclusion" into his own prejudiced definition of "family."

Finally, Wasinger states that "for AALARM, our actions represent our lives...for the BGLSA (and its supporters), it's just another extracurricular activity."

If BGLSA were so unimportant, one wonders why Rob Wasinger would be so disturbed by its members' courage and pride. To call BGLSA "just" an extracurricular activity is a pathetic attempt to minimize its importance. As for Wasinger, we are sure his actions represent his life--he is a bigot who takes his bigotry seriously. Alejandro Reuss '92-'93   Tom Garvey '92   Beth Hastie '91-'92,   Members, BGLSA

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