
Pi Eta Closing May Be Permanent, Members Say

The Pi Eta Speaker's Club, the subject of repeated allegations of sexual misconduct in recent years, has been closed since sometime in September, members confirmed this week.

The members, who spoke on condition of anonymity, speculated that the club has been closed permanently. But officers of the club vigorously denied that claim, saying that the club will reopen sometime this year.

The Pi Eta Club, like Harvard's nine all-male final clubs, consists entirely of male undergraduates, although it is not officially associated with the final clubs' Inter-Club Council.

Last spring, the club settled out of court on a 1988 law suit in which a woman claimed she was raped at the club by the guest of a member.

In addition, in 1986, a woman alleged she was raped at the Pi Eta, but a formal charge was never pressed.


Jeffrey Wood '93, an officer at large of the club, said that the Pi Eta would reopen "soon," but he would not provide a specific date. Wood refuted speculation that the club's building at 45 Mt. Auburn St. will be sold in the near future.

One member, who spoke of the club's closing, said that he is not sure of the club's status, since undergraduate officers and members of the alumni board are still working out details.

"Everything's kind of on hold right now," the student said.

The club was also shut down in early April, towards the end of last spring semester, although reasons behind the closure and its duration could not be confirmed.

Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III said that he had not been informed of any changes in the club's status. Although he has "heard the same rumors" of the Pi Eta closing permanently, Epps said has not investigated the matter further.

Epps said that Harvard does not recognize Pi Eta as an official College organization, adding that the relationship is similar to that of the College and the final clubs.

Neither the president of the Pi Eta, Douglas D. Rosenberry '92, nor the vice-president, Kevin J. Ouellette '92, would comment yesterday on the closure of the club.

Graduate President Stephen P. Endlar '56 refused to comment yesterday. Jeremiah J. Brenahan '57, who is listed with the state as club's clerk, did not returned repeated messages left yesterday.

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