

But Harvard


Pianist Shu-Ching Chen-in a Young Artist Showcase concert at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum at 280 The Fenway in Boston. Tickets are $6, $3 for students and elders. Call 734-1359. Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.

Boston University School for the Arts Faculty Recital-with Joan Heller, soprano, and Thomas Stumpf, pianist. In the Tsai Performance Center at 685 Commonwealth Ave. in Boston. Call 353-3345. Sunday at 8 p.m.

The Millenium Ensemble-with director Theodore Antoniou and guest-conductor Eric Rombach performs John Heiss's Songs of Nature, Fred Lerdahl's Fantasy Etudes and Ingolf Dahl's Duettino Concertante. At the Tsai Performance Center at 685 Commonwealth Ave. in Boston. Call 353-3345. Tuesday at 8 p.m.

Music Without Pants-by Ean White and new work by The Clam Theatre. Two evenings of sound performance which attempts to describe a music that has suddenly found itself in an embarassing and somewhat compromised situation. At Mobius, an artist-run center for experimental work in all media at 354 Congress St. in Boston. Call 542-7416. Tickets are $7, $5 for students. Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.


The Muir String Quartet performs The Complete Beethoven Quartets-at the Boston University Tsai Performance Center at 685 Commonwealth Ave. in Boston. Thursday at 8 p.m. with a pre-concert lecture by Harvard Professor of Music Lewis Lockwood at 7 p.m.

Pianist Patrick O'Byrne-performs a solo recital at MIT as part of the Artist-in-Residence Series. The program will include Lilburn's Chaconne for Piano, Beethoven's Sonata, op. 53 in C Major, Ravel's Miroirs and Enrique Granados' Goyescas. Free, in MIT's Killian Hall. Wednesday at 8 p.m.

Classical guitarists John Morgan and Frank Curtis-perform works by Boston composers for the Boston Classical Guitar Society. Tickets are $7. Call 524-6439. At the New School of Music at 25 Lowell St., Cambridge. Friday at 8 p.m.

Schola Cantorum of Boston-with director Frederick Jodry performs Heinrich Schutz's Musicalisches Exequien at the First Church Congregational, Mason and Garden Streets in Harvard Square. Tickets are $10, $6 for students and elders. Call 983-5271. Sunday at 8 p.m.

Boston Symphony Orchestra-with conducter Seiji Ozawa and pianist Leon Fleisher performs Berlioz's "Roman Carnival" Overture, Ravel's Piano Concerto for the left hand and Beethoven's "Eroica" symphony. In Boston Symphony Hall. Tickets are priced from $20 to $52.50. Call 266-1200. Friday at 2 p.m.

Boston Symphony Orchestra-with conducter Seiji Ozawa performs Tchaikovsky's Pique Dame. In Boston Symphony Hall. Tickets are priced from $20 to $52.50. Call 266-1200. Saturday and Tuesday at 8 p.m.

The Boston Opera Horn Quartet-performs works of Weber, Rossini, Mozart and others as part of the MIT Chapel Series. In the MIT Chapel Thursday at noon.

MIT's Musicians-Behind-the-Desk Series-presents works of Debussy, Ravel, Saint-Saens, Bizet and Piaf. In MIT's Killian Hall Friday at noon.

MIT Brass Ensemble and Concert Band-presents a special family weekend concert. In MIT's Kresge auditorium Friday at 8 p.m.

MIT Chamber Orchestra-with director Steven McDonald performs at the Kresge Auditorium. Saturday at 8 p.m.

Pianist Nick Altenbernd-performs Chopin's Preludes as part of MIT's Musicians-Behind-the-Desk Series. In MIT's Killian Hall. Wednesday at noon.

An Evening of Jazz-with Hal Russell and the NRG Ensemble. An evening of powerful free jazz with an irresistable blend of humor and ecclectic references. At the Institute of Contemporary Art. Call 266-5152 on weekdays, or 266-5153 on weekends. Thursday at 8 p.m.

Faceless Crowd-an alternative mainstream rock band appearing at The Channel. Call 891-7623. 18 and over. Thursday at 8:30 p.m.

Michelle Shocked-in concert at Sanders Theatre at Harvard, with the "Halfway to Arkansas" tour. Tickets available at all Ticketmaster outlets. Call 496-2222 for information. Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

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