To the Editors of The Crimson:
As one of the "prudes, wimps and the squeamish" mentioned in Joseph Enis' loving homage to that aural atrocity known as heavy metal (May 11), I have little to say in self-defense except that I seem to know a tad more about his favorite music than he seems to know about mine. For example:
1. The majority of Verdi's work is not "atrocious."
2. Even if it were, he still didn't write "La Boheme." Puccini did.
3. Puccini also wrote "Tosca," "Madame Butterfly," and lots of other sonorous things. None of them was atrocious either.
I should also add that drug experimentation is stupid, pejorative portrayal of women as sex objects is disgusting, and devil worship, no matter how light-hearted, is wrong.
I just thought I'd clear that up. Amy Biancolli
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The Council: 'Taken out of Context'