


. Holds firmly to a "no new taxes" pledge. Has campaigned against "tax and spend liberals." Opposed recent federal budget proposal for its provisions to raise taxes on the wealthy. Supports a cut in capital gains tax and a balanced budget amendment.


. Proposes to earmark 60 percent of the U.S. Department of Education budget directly back to local schools with "no strings attached," saying "these funds will no longer pass through bureaucratic layer after layer until some small portion finally reaches the classroom." The plan would give schools money based on demographics--$411 per student--rather than merit or need.



. Criticizes the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for spending too much time and resources on administration instead of action, calling it "an amorphous bureaucracy."


. Advocates the death penalty for major drug dealers. Backs mandatory drug-testing for people involved in jobs of public safety, such as airline pilots.

Civil Rights

. Initially opposed the Civil Rights Bill of 1990, but switched positions after becoming comfortable that it would not have established quotas.


. Opposes the Alliance for Better Child Care (ABC) Bill, which would provide $1.75 billion a year in direct child care assistance. Instead, he favors a system based on tax credits for child care.

Health Care

. Proposes a tax credit of up to $300 towards the purchase of private, long-term nursing care policies, in order to encourage younger (under 50) people investing in private health care.
