
Students Shiver Way Through Cold Showers

Many students looking for a hot shower to start off the day have instead found themselves gasping for breath under an icy stream of water.

Due to problems with hot water replacement, sample temperature measurements indicate that water temperatures are as low as 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the morning and late evening, according to Crimson measurements in Weld Hall and Quincy House.

According to a number of students, hot water is only widely available during the afternoon and early evening.

The periodic shortage of water at comfortable temperatures has prompted some students to change their shower habits.

"Today it wouldn't get past lukewarm," said Hubert Lin '93, an Eliot House resident. "I didn't take a shower today because it wouldn't get...warm. In fact, it was nowhere near warm."


"Frequently on Friday nights we have no hot water," said Ann L. Meyer '94, who lives in Weld Hall. "It has happened at least four or five times. The [Harvard Facilities Maintenence personnel] came to fix it, but the next day it's cold again."

Afternoon and early evening showers have provided a solution for some. Dave G. Mcintosh '94, a Matthews Hall resident, said "Now I usually try to shower in the afternoon or after dinner."

Although water problems have been happening frequently, Harvard Facilities Maintence has handled complaints quickly and efficiently, Meyer said.

When he was told of the water complaints, Bill Flanagan, utilities manager of Facilities Maintenence, said he would launch a prompt investigation of the matter.

After calling the supervisors of Quincy House and Weld Hall, Flanagan said that they had received student complaints during "prime shower time."

According to Flanagan, hot water is replaced within the system as soon as it is used. However, there has lately been a lag in the recovery time, causing a shortage of available hot water, he said.

Flanagan said that he would send supervisors to both Quincy and Weld Thursday morning to monitor the water temperature during peak shower times.
