
Traditional Rivalry Flares Up

Holworthians Join in Anti-Thayer Chants, Kidnapping

Harvard Yard has been pretty quiet most weekend nights this year, thanks to the anti-alcohol efforts of proctors and police.

But this weekend, even they couldn't put a damper on Holworthy and Thayer.

The decades-old rivalry between the two first-year dormitories flared up again this Sunday, with chants, music and even a kidnapping.

Kem Jones, the proctor for Holworthy's middle entryway, put up posters advertising the event in advance, according to residents. About 60 Holworthians met at 11 p.m. outside their dorm for chants and dancing, said David B. Burns '94, a Holworthy resident.

Outside, in the midst of a minidance party, many students chanted "Hey Thayer, your mother called. She said you suck," and "Thayer sucks," according to witnesses.


During the 30-minute demonstration, residents of Holworthy's fourth floor blared music at Thayer and played a recording which said "Thayer sucks," according to participant Jon J. Carpenter '94.

But all their efforts turned out to be just the latest in a series of disappointments.

Several times this year, Holworthy has tried to start yelling matches and music competitions with Thayer. But despite all their at attempts to incite their old rival--including this weekend's--Holworthy met with only token resistance.

"We didn't get any response except one guy throwing water out of the window," Carpenter said.

"It's generally started by those morons in Holworthy because they're bored," said Jeremy D. Horowitz '94, a Thayer resident. "We're too apathetic to respond."

Prior to Sunday's activities, some of the residents of Holworthy's fourth floor kidnapped Julie E. Cooper '94 of Thayer. Cooper said that before being released, she had to scream for her dormmates to rescue her.

But even the screams of a comrade in distress could not arouse action from the Thayer forces. The Holworthians finally took pity and freed Cooper.

It was the residents of Stoughton Hall, though, who had the last word.

"Shut up, go to bed," they yelled.
