To the Editors of The Crimson:
A Nov. 29 Crimson story I've just seen ("Tutu Will Attend Overseers Meeting") refers to critics of Tutu's petition candidacy last year who claimed he would not attend meetings because of more pressing commitments.
The same critics (doubtless Harvard Alumni Association and Massachusetts Hall heavies threatened by the success of prodivestment petition candidates for Booard of Overseers) were not heard from when they nominated Sen. Albert Gore '69, who, according to informed sources, attended not a single meeting during his first year on the board. And the trip from Washington to Cambridge was a little easier for Gore than for Tutu.
But information about attendance records of those whom we elect to our Board of Overseers, like most of the Overseers' official business, is informal only. One cannot get offically an agenda, minutes, attendance records or any other complete information about this democratically elected body.
It's an issue The Crimson ought to look into with some vigor. Chester W. Hartman '57
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