
First Woman Overseer, Helen H. Gilbert Dies

Helen Homans Gilbert '36 a long-time Radcliffe official and the first woman ever elected to Harvard's Board of Overseers died of cancer Tuesday. She was 75.

Gilbert worked for the University in many different capacities over the years--but she always returned to Radcliffe. She was on the Radcliffe Board of Trustees from 1950 to 1977 and was acting president in 1964. A year later, the Radcliffe Alumni Association awarded her the Alumnae Recognition Award.

More recently Gilbert chaired the advisory committee for Radcliffe's Schlesinger Library.

"No one is more aware than I of how much Radcliffe owes to Helen Gilbert," said former Radcliffe President Mary I. Bunting. "The time, energy wisdom and wit and the love that Helen has given to Radcliffe have bound us all."

Gilbert became the first woman member of Harvard's alumni-elected governing board in 1970, serving as Overseers president from 1975 to 1976. While on the Board she was the primary author of the Gilbert Report a study of how Harvard's two governing boards--the Corporation and the Board of Overseers--shared control over the University.


Her colleagues both on the Board and in the administration said she would be sorely missed.

"Few people who have ever met Helen Gilbert or served on any board with her would fail to regard her as a breath of fresh New England air," said President Derek C. Bok. "As an overseer, she was able, energetic and witty. She usually spoke her mind when theoccasion called for it and gained the admirationand respect of all of us. Like her ancestor,Abigail Adams of Quincy, Mass, Helen too made usalways remember the ladies. We will continue to doso as we miss and remember Helen."

Former overseer and Corporation member AndrewHeiskell called Gilbert a "marvelous lady."

In addition to her work at Harvard andRadcliffe, Gilbert was a trustee for the WestoverSchool a member of the Permanent Charities Fundand a member of the Boston Aquarium's educationcommittee.

Funderal services will be held Tuesday, Oct. 3,at 11 a.m. at Memorial Church. In lieu of flowers,her family is asking that contributions be made toRadcliffe's Schlesinger Library
