
The Crimson Squads on a Fall Crusade

1989 fall Varsity Schedules

MEN'S SOCCER Date  Opponent  Time Sep.18  at MIT  3:30 Sep.19  at Columbia  11:00 Sept.20  HARTFORD  3:00 Sept.24  at Indiana  2:00 Oct. 2  PENNSYLVANIA  1:30 Oct.6  at Connecticut  3:00 Oct.9  HARTWICK  11:00 Oct.10  BOSTON UNIV.  3:00 Oct.12  at Yale  3:30 Oct.14  at Cornell  7:30 Oct.21  DARTMOUTH  11:00 Oct.25  at Boston College  7:30 Oct.29  PRINCETON  1:30 Nov.9  at Brown  7:00

MEN'S TENNIS Date  Opponent Sept. 22-24  HARVARD INVITATIONAL Sept. 29-Oct.1  at Notre Dame Invitational Oct. 12-15  ITCA Region One Team Championships (Princeton) Nov 8-12  Rolex Regional Individual Championships (Princeton)

WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL Date  Opponent  Time Sept. 16  at Boston Coll./with Colgate  10:00 Sept. 23  HOLY CROSS  1:00 Sept. 26  WILLIAMS  7:00 Sept. 29-30  at Connecticut Tourney (Storrs, Ct.)  -- Oct. 3  LOWELL  7:00 Oct. 5  at Tufts  6:00 Oct. 7  at Boston College  TBA Oct. 13  at Cornell  7:00 Oct. 14  at Columbia  1:00 Oct. 17  at Yale/with Dartmouth  6:00 Oct. 20  PENNSYLVANIA  7:00 Oct. 24  PRINCETON  11:00 Oct. 31  at Brown  7:00 Nov. 4-8  HARVARD INVIT.  --- Nov. 7  at Connecticut  7:00 Nov. 10  at Ivy Championships (Philadelphia)  ---

MEN'S GOLF Date  Opponent Sept.29  WILLIAMS/HOLY CROSS Oct.1-2  Toski Tournament (Amherst) Oct.5  ECAC Northern New England Regionals (Middlebury, Vt.) Oct.9-11  NEIGA (New Seabury) Oct.13-14  ECAC Championships (Farmingdale, N.Y.)

MEN'S WATER POLO Date  Opponent Sept.16-17  Eastern Tournament (Providence) Sept.21  at MIT Sept.23  at Providence Sept.29  at Providence Oct.6-8  Berkeley Invitational (Berkeley) Oct.12  MIT Oct.14-15  Eastern Championships (Annapolis, Md.) Oct.21-22  NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE TOURNAMENT Oct.24-25  Beanpot Tournament Nov.4-5  New-England Championships (Providence) Nov.11  Eastern Championships (Annapolls, Md.)


WOMEN'S FIELD HOCKEY Date  Opponent  Time Sept.17  at Rhode Island  1:00 Sept.20  at Northern  3:30 Sept.23  at Yale  11:00 Sept.26  LOWELL  4:00 Sept.28  at Connecticut  3:00 Oct.1  PENNSYLVANIA  12:00 Oct.4  SPRINGFIELD  3:00 Oct.7  FAIRFIELD  12:30 Oct.10  at Holy Cross  3:30 Oct.14  at Cornell  10:00 Oct.18  BOSTON UNIV.  3:00 Oct.21  DARTMOUTH  11:00 Oct.24  BOSTON COLL.  3:00 Oct.28  PRINCETON  11:00 Nov.1  at Brown  2:30

WOMEN'S TENNIS Date  Opponent Sept.22-24  at Syracuse Invitational Sept.29.Oct.1  HARVARD INVITATIONAL Oct.21-22  ITCA Region One Team Championships (Princeton) Nov.4-6  ITCA Region One Individuel Championships (Philadelphia)

FOOTBALL Date  Opponent  Time Sept.16  at Columbia  1:30 Sept.23  HOLY CROSS  1:30 Sept.30  at Army  1:00 Oct.7  LEHIGH  1:00 Oct.14  at Cornell  1:00 Oct.21  DARTMOUTH  1:30 Oct.28  PRINCETON  12:00 Nov.4  at Brown  1:00 Nov.11  PENNSYLVANIA  1:30 Nov.18  at Yale  1:00

WOMEN'S SOCCER Date  Opponent  Time Sept.16  at Columbia  4:00 Sept.19  at New Hampahire  3.30 Sept.23  WILLIAM & MARY  2.00 Sept.29  at Brown  2.00 Oct.3  at Boston College  7:00 Oct.7  at Vermont  1:00 Oct.12  CONNECTICUT  3:00 Oct.14  at Cornell  11:00 Oct.17  MASSACHUSETTS  3:00 Oct.20  DARTMOUTH  2:00 Oct.22  PROVIDENCE  2:00 Oct.24  at Yale  3:30 Oct.25  PRINCETON  11:00

MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY Date  Opponent  Time Sept.22  at Columbia/with Penn and Cornell  3:00 Sept.30  BROWN, DARTMOUTH, RICE, NORTHEASTERN  12:00 Oct.6  Greater Boston Championships  TBA Oct.20  at Princeton/with Yale  4:00 Oct.27  at Heptagonals (New York)  1:00 Nov.11  at IC4A/NCAA District 1Championships  -- Nov.20  at NCAA Championships  --

WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY Date  Opponent  Time Sept.23  vs. Cornell (Columbia)  3:00 Sept.30  BROWN, DARTMOUTH, NORTHEASTERN  11:15 Oct.6  Greater Boston Championships  TBA Oct.20  at Princeton/with Yale  3:45 Oct.27  at Heptagonals (New York)  12:00 Nov.11  at ECAC/District 1 Championships  --- Nov.20  at NCAA Championships (Annapolis, Md.)  ---
