
Notable Quotables

"It's [Faculty of Arts and Sciences] turf, and that's that as far as I'm concerned."

--Coolidge Professor of History and Economics David S. Landes, arguing in December that Harvard Real Estate should give the Faculty the Gulf station site on Mass Ave. for an academic building.

"I think we said to Arts and Sciences, which is not unusual, that this was a property which had been more or less purchased...with the idea that it would be used, eventually, when it was needed, for Arts and Sciences. So we would be happy to let them have the property in return for the price we paid for it at a suitable rate of interest."

--President Derek C. Bok, explaining a May decision to let the Faculty acquire the Gulf station property for several million dollars.

"It's evident that this was a case of racial harassment. Even if I had been a potential suspect, even if I had been a Black assailant, the way they treated me--they didn't accord me or my friend Craig with any respect."


--Andre L. Williams '89, describing the treatment he and Craig A. Cochrane '91 received when city police ordered them off a Harvard shuttle bus and searched them on the night of March 14. The police did not explain their actions.

"We find that the officers acted in a proper manner. They acted professionally."

--Cambridge Police Lt. Donald Carney defending the officers.

"We just had a lifting at 29-33 JFK St. A tall, white male, blond hair, blue eyes, blond mustache, wearing jeans, a grey jacket."

--Transcript of the tape of conversations between a dispatcher and police patrols on the night of March 14, telling them to look for a white suspect. Both Williams and Cochrane are Black.

"I have accepted the results of this election, and I will not be the state representative for the 28th Middlesex district for the next two years."

--State Rep. and City Councillor Saundra Graham, conceding her State House seat to truant officer Alvin E. Thompson after a November sticker campaign.

"The clause in this contract is simply unconscionable. It gives away the store."

--City Councillor David E. Sullivan on a "buyout" clause included in the new contract of City Manager Robert W. Healy.

"I made a choice of doing what I enjoy most. It's difficult for people to understand when there's a higher office available, but I love being mayor of the City of Boston."

--Boston Mayor Raymond Flynn, announcing that he will not run for the state's highest post after Gov. Michael S. Dukakis said he would not seek reelection.

"If it's so terrible that when you bite the bullet you still spend $450 million more and complain about it, then you're in pretty rough shape."

--State Rep. Richard A. Voke (D-Chelsea), responding to critics of his budget proposal.
