
Shuttle Bus In Collision

A Harvard shuttle bus collided with a passenger car near Leverett House at the intersection of Plympton and Mill Streets last night at approximately 5:30 pm.

The car's driver, Gail M. Price, said she was driving alone along Plympton Street a block away from Memorial Drive, when the shuttle bus coming from Mill Street started to proceed through the intersection without stopping.

"I thought he was going to stop at the intersection. When he didn't stop, I slammed on my brakes and skidded into him," said Price.

Neither Price, the shuttle bus driver, nor the bus passengers were hurt in the incident. It is unclear how many passengers were on the bus because all of them left the scene shortly after the accident.

The night clerk at the Harvard Shuttle Office said that the driver of the shuttle bus was Andrew J. Mirabella '91. Mirabella, a Mather House resident, did not want to comment on the incident.


While the shuttle bus was unharmed, the crash did extensive damage to the front end of Price's car, a Volvo 760 GLE.

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