
Polling Places in Cambridge

Ward 1

Pct. 1--Multi-Cultural Arts Center, 41 Second St.

Pct. 2--Truman Apartments, 25 Eighth St. (Community Room, Thorndike St. entrance)

Pct. 3--Miller's River Apartments, 15 Lambert St. (Cambridge St. entrance)

Pct. 4-- Harrington School, Cambridge St. entrance


Ward 2

Pct. 1--Maynard School, Broadway and Windsor Sts.

Pct. 2--Pisani Center, 131 Washington St. (Between Washington Elms and Newtowne Ct.)

Pct. 3--MIT Athletic Center, off Vassar St.

Pct. 4--MIT Athletic Center, off Vassar St.

Ward 3

Pct. 1--PW Headquarters, 141 Hampshire St.

Pct. 2--St. Bartholomew's Church, Harvard and Essex Sts.

Pct. 3--City Hall Annex, 57 Inman St.

Broadway St. entrance

Pct. 4--Longfellow School, Fayette St. entrance

Rear of building

Ward 4

Pct. 1--Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, Broadway Entrance

Pct. 2--Vernon Hall Nursing Home, 8 Dana St. (activity room)

Pct. 3--City Hall Basement, rear of building

Pct. 4--Municipal Building, 362 Green St. (first floor)

Ward 5

Pct. 1--Fire House, Lafayette Sq. (Mass Ave. at Main St.)

Pct. 2--Morse School, Granite St.

Pct. 3--LBJ Apartments, 150 Erie St. (community room, parking lot entrance)

Pct. 4--Fire House, 176 River St. at Kelly Road

Ward 6

Pct. 1--King School, Putnam Ave. (front entrance)

Pct. 2--Putnam Apartments, 2 Mt Auburn St. (lobby)

Pct. 3--Gund Hall, Harvard Graduate School of Design (48 Quincy St.)

Pct. 4--Cambridge Rindge and Latin, Broadway entrance

Ward 7

Pct. 1--North Prospect Church, Roseland St. entrance (formerly No. Cambridge Congregational)

Pct. 2--North Prospect Church, Roseland St. entrance (formerly No. Cambridge Congregational)

Pct. 3--Peaboby School, Linnaean St., playground entrance

front entrance

Pct. 4--Peabody School, Linnaean St., playground entrance front entrance

Ward 8

Pct. 1--Harvard University PoliceHeadquarters, 29 Garden St. (Chauncy St. entrance)

Pct. 2--Larsen Hall, Harvard EducationSchool, (Appian Way)

Pct. 3--Quincy House, Harvard University(Plympton St. entrance)

Pct. 4--Friends Meeting House,Longfellow Park

side entrance

Ward 9

Pct. 1--Lowell School, 25 Lowell St (NewSchool of Music)

rear of building

Pct. 2--Fire House, Lexington Ave.

Pct. 3--Branch Library, Aberdeend Ave.

rear of building

Pct. 4--Haggerty School, corner ofCusing and Lawn Sts.

playground entrance

Ward 10

Pct. 1--North Cambridge Senior Center,2050 Mass. Ave (main activity room)

Pct. 2--North Cambridge Senior Center,2050 Mass. Ave (main activity room)

Pct. 3--Fire House, Taylor Square(Garden and Sherman Sts.)

Pct. 4--Tobin School, Vassal Laneentrance

Ward 11

Pct. 1--Jefferson Park, 1 Jackson Place

Pct. 2--Gately Shelter (enter fromFitzgerald School Playground)

Pct. 3--Gately Shelter (enter fromFitzgerald School Playground)

Pct. 4--Burns Apartments, 50 ChurchillAve., (community room lobby)

Indicates handicapped accessible entrance whendifferent from designated entrance to pollingplac
