
Polling Places in Cambridge

Ward 1

Pct. 1--Multi-Cultural Arts Center, 41 Second St.

Pct. 2--Truman Apartments, 25 Eighth St. (Community Room, Thorndike St. entrance)

Pct. 3--Miller's River Apartments, 15 Lambert St. (Cambridge St. entrance)

Pct. 4-- Harrington School, Cambridge St. entrance


Ward 2

Pct. 1--Maynard School, Broadway and Windsor Sts.

Pct. 2--Pisani Center, 131 Washington St. (Between Washington Elms and Newtowne Ct.)

Pct. 3--MIT Athletic Center, off Vassar St.

Pct. 4--MIT Athletic Center, off Vassar St.

Ward 3

Pct. 1--PW Headquarters, 141 Hampshire St.

Pct. 2--St. Bartholomew's Church, Harvard and Essex Sts.

Pct. 3--City Hall Annex, 57 Inman St.

Broadway St. entrance
