
Army Tops Ruggers

Snap, crackle, pop.

Thus went the hopes of the Harvard men's rugby club as it lost to Army, 12-3, Saturday in Worcester in the first round of the Northeastern Championships.

"It was a close game and a tough loss," Harvard junior Steve Cohn said. "We played `em really hard."

The game was tight throughout the first half, and both teams were scoreless at halftime. Then, with 15 minutes remaining in the game, Army put the first points on the board with a try and a conversion. Quickly following with two penalty kicks, the Cadets shut the Crimson out until Harvard succesfully scored a penalty kick, bringing the score to the final of 12--3.

Eric Chehab, Tim Perini and Co-Captain Scott Hilinski all turned in good performances in the tournament for the Crimson squad.


Harvard had devoted several weeks preparing for the tournament, including double practices throughout much of the past weeks. Despite the season's disappointing ending, Harvard had a solid, successful season.

"We've worked hard all season and we prepared well for the match. The captains did a really good job of preparing and leading the team," Cohn said.

"This is the farthest we've gotten in five years since 1984 when the team won the Nationals. We've done really well," added Sam Yoon.

The tournament marked the last game for the Crimson's six seniors, but Harvard should retain much of its experience and skill with nine starters returning next year.

"We're really proud of what we've accomplished this year, and we're looking hopeful for next year," Cohn said. "We could be as good or even better."
