To the Editors of The Crimson:
In response to the editorial entitled "The Escort Service--How High a Priority?" there were some misleading comments we would like to rectify.
The escort service was established to provide members of the Harvard community with a safe means of transportation between two points within the Harvard community. The policy of the service is to provide transportation when there is no alternative except to walk alone--when the shuttle bus is longer running or when it is unsafe to walk.
We cannot provide service to the outlying areas because of the time and distance involved. To transport to Boston, Arlington, Brighton or Brookline is unreasonable under our present concept of not duplicating a taxi service.
Two years ago an independent evaluation of the escort service was made, and it was determined that a second car was not needed at that time. More recently, the demands for service were surveyed by this department, and a second escort car was added. In addition, we have assisted in the forming and training of the SafeStreets program, a walking escort service run by undergraduates from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. from the Law School area to Memorial Drive.
In regard to students who are not aware of the service, it is frequently promoted in the monthly house blotters and the Crime Prevention Information Bulletin. In addition, it is mentioned in both the Handbook for Students and the booklet "Playing it Safe," which are distributed to all students. Paul E. Johnson Chief of Police
Read more in Opinion
Son of Student Aid Services