

Rejecting Rooms for ROTC


To the Editors of the Crimson:

When Dean Epps gave ROTC permission to meet in Harvard Hall last week, he violated two significant pieces of Faculty legislation.

First. the Faculty voted on February 4, 1969 "to cease the free allocation of space in University buildings to ROTC." This statement is unconditional. It is not Epps' decision whether or not ROTC may use University space, and his decision shows that he believes that he can overrule Faculty policy as he likes.

Second, Epps has also violated the Faculty's prohibition against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, adopted in 1981. The Faculty has worked hard to publicize this policy: for instance, a copy of the policy is included each year in student orientation packets. Non-discrimination means that organizations or activities that discriminate may not be granted privileges by the University, including use of building space. Epps' action shows that he has assumed the power of deciding that non-discrimination does not apply in the case of ROTC meeting on campus. He has decided that non-discrimination applies only at his discretion, to be extended and limited on a case-by-case basis.

It is time for the Faculty to defend its own legislation against the encroachment of the College administration. Dean Epps must not be allowed to replace the Faculty's policies on ROTC status and non-discrimination with his own. Jed David Kolko '92
