

Insensitive 'Poonsters


To the Editors of The Crimson:

The callousness and lack of concern of the Harvard community for the problems which plague our society has never been as clear as it was Thursday night. As one of the wealthiest men in the country was welcomed in high style by means of an extravagant parade and police escort to the doors of the Harvard Lampoon, crowds of students cheered and clapped. For hours, the Lampoon-sponsored visit of Malcolm Forbes generated excitement, interest and a carnival-like atmosphere for many.

However, it could not have taken a blind person to notice the many homeless people leaning against the walls of Adams House, also observing the spectacle. Undoubtedly, they did not experience the same feeling of elation at the arrival of this wealthy man.

Every night, we sleep comfortably in our warm and safe dormitories while the homeless curl up together on subway grates. What happened last night at the Lampoon was by no means an isolated incident. It was simply one of the more graphic examples of the apathy surrounding the widening gap between the wealthy and the impoverished in the richest country on earth. Of course, the Lampoon meant this event to be humorous, an entertaining joke; but as long as the problems of homelessness and poverty run rampant around us, this kind of spectacle is an extremely tasteless joke.

When will we open our eyes to see that these problems are directly in front of us? On our streets, on our grates, on our doorsteps. Simon Gabriel Romero '92   Paul Gailiunas '92
