
MBTA Limits Cambridge Buses

Route Removals May Inconvenience the Elderly

Plans to cut two bus routes that run from Harvard Square to North Cambridge and Watertown could inconvenience the elderly and rushhour commuters, neighborhood leaders said this week.

In December, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) will likely eliminate route 77A--which runs from the intersection of Mass Ave. and Cameron Ave. to watertown and Waverly--and route 75--which goes from Harvard Square to Huron Towers--said Peter Diamond, manager of public information.

"Under intensive financial pressure the state cut $17 million from our budget, and a recent arbitration award for wages and benefits to our union members led to an additional $30 million budget shortfall," Diamond said, explaining the cuts.

But Mary Mengel, a staff member at the Council on Aging, said the cuts would make seniors citizens "even more isolated," causing them difficulty in getting to such places as Mt. Auburn Hospital.

"Elderly people who have difficulty with stairs prefer that bus because if they are going to Mt. Auburn Hospital they don't have to change buses," said Charles Bahne, a member of the Cambridge-based Association for Public Transportation. "A lot of people who are older find steps an obstruction, especially the steps on a bus because they're higher than normal ones."


In addition, one route being cut services Huron Towers, an apartment building with a high elderly population. The building is about a half-mile away from other bus routes, Bahne said.

Rush-hour commuters who use the 77A bus to get to North Cambridge will also be affected, although Diamond said other routes to the area might expand.

MBTA may also add two routes between Harvard Square and Brook-line. The authority will make a final decision on the routes in a few weeks, Diamond said.
