

Welcome to the 1989 Career Forum. I hope you find the information gathered here both helpful and informational as you begin your job search. The Recruiting Office is located in Room 209 at 54 Dunster Street. Our office hours are 9:00-12:30 and 1:30-4:00. During the Fall, September through December,all information pertaining to recruiting will be found in the OCS Newsletter under On-Campus Recruiting. During January, February, and March, the Recruiting Office publishes and distributes to all houses the Recruiting News. All information for Spring Recruiting will be found in this publication.

Interviews in the fall are conducted at the Office of Career Services, 54 Dunster Street. Interviews for Spring Recruiting will be held at Hilles Library (corner of Shepard and Garden Street) in the Colloquium Room.

Those students eligible to participate in the Recruiting Program are seniors and alumni of Harvard College, graduate students and alumni of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. On occasion companies come on campus to recruit underclassmen for summer jobs and internship programs. These positions are listed separately in the newsletter and follow the same procedures as fall recruiting listed below.

Fall Recruiting

There is a limited number of companies and students participating in the Fall Recruiting Program. Because of these limited numbers the procedures are less structured. When signing up for an interview in the Fall program you must come to the Recruiting Office and fill out a registration card and submit 1 copy of your resume for our files. In addition, you will need copies of your resume for each open or closed company you are signing up for. Under the open system, first-come, first-serve, you submit your resume(s) and sign up for an interview (s) at the sametime. Under the closed system indicated by a "C"and followed by a date (this is the deadline forresume submission to the Recruiting Office), yourresume must be submitted by this date. Companieswill then notify you by letter or mailgram thatyou have been selected for an interview. You thenbring this letter to the Recruiting Office to signup for a time.


Spring Recruiting

The Orientation Meetings for Spring Recruitingwill be held on Monday, November 6th at 4:00 the Science Center, Room "C", or on Tuesday,November 7th at 4:00 p.m. in the Science Center,Room "C". In order to participate in SpringRecruiting, you must attend one of these sessions.No exceptions will be made. At these meetings allmaterials pertaining to Spring Recruiting will behanded out. We will also thoroughly explain thepoint system, computer forms, time tables,deadlines and all other information necessary forsuccessful participation in the Spring RecruitingProgram. We will answer all your questions at thistime.

information meetings in the Fall to informstudents about job opportunities. These meetingswill be listed in the OCS Newsletter. To sign upfor these meetings come to the Recruiting Office,Room 209. Most meetings are held in the evening atthe Faculty Club. However some meetings will beheld at the Charles Hotel or at a Harvard house orat OCS in the afternoon. Be sure to check thenewsletter for the time and location.

If you have a good idea of the types ofcompanies of interest to you, you might want tostartB-2
