
Career Form 89

The following map, covering some of the widest territory of any of the archival maps found in recent years, was unearthed recently near the ancient meeting grounds of the early humanoid known as Homo Careerist. Dr. Kent Palmer, professor of precivilization business sociology at the University of Canton, has written that this map represents the clearest representation of the career possibilities open to our ancestors that we have found yet. Palmer has spent 15 years deciphering the symbols on the map, and he believes that the early careerists used different symbols to represent different possible futures. (Palmer also notes that the belief that each individual could pursue a different path to the future is an idea that these officepeople invented, but which lay dormant between their time and ours.) The following then perhaps represents different temples assigned to the different possible futures. They could also represent only metaphysical spaces of belief. Or they could be descriptions of people and interests that still apply to us today.
