
Police Chase Robber in Eliot

Boston Police Charge Suspect With Breaking and Entering

The Harvard Police apprehended a Cambridge man accused of breaking and entering a motor vehicle in Eliot House late Monday night, after he had successfully eluded the Boston Police.

A Boston Detective Unit discovered John Elzer, 27, breaking into a motor veichle at the Furnpike Parking lot in Allston on Monday night, said Carl A. Tempesta, management information systems coordinator for the Harvard Police. On discovery Elzer fled the scene in another car and then abandoned the car on Memorial drive.

Elzer then jumped the fence from Memorial Drive into the Eliot house courtyard at apporximately 10 p.m., the Harvard Police spokeperson said.

He gained access into G entry, where he made his way to H entry and the tunnels underneath Eliot via firedoors in G-43.

Harvard Police, alerted to a possible break-in by a student phone call, arrived at Eliot and pursued Elzer through the tunnels. Shortly after arriving, the Harvard Police apprehended Elzer. He was arrested by the Boston police who were originally in pursuit.


According to the Boston Police Media office Elzer was charged with two counts of breaking and entering a motor vehicle.

"It was a good grab," Tempesta said. "It was a good all-round effort by everyone involved including the initial caller."

"No one was really affected in the sense thatnothing was taken," said Paul C. Faust '92, wholives in Eliot's G entry. Faust said some moneywas taken from the rooms Elzer made his waythrough but watches and other valubles were leftuntouched.

The large police turnout at Eliot impressed andsurprised many residents.

"There were cops teeming all over the place,"said Carlos M. Mark '92, who was stopped in theEliot house laundry room, questioned by the policeand asked to show a student I.D
