
Gridders Face Long, Tough Trail

Sports Cube Predicts

Mark T. Brazaitis  Casey J. Lartigue Jr. Sports Editor  Associate Sports Editor 1. Penn  1. Harvard 2. Harvard  2. Penn 3. Princeton  3. Princeton 4. Cornell  4. Cornell 5. Brown  5. Yale 6. Columbia  6. Brown 7. Yale  7. Columbia 8. Dartmouth  8. Dartmouth Michael J. Lartigue  Jennifer M. Frey Special Projects Editor  Assistant Sports Editor 1. Harvard  1. Harvard 2. Princeton  2. Penn 3. Cornell  3. Cornell 4. Penn  4. Princeton 5. Columbia  5. Brown 6. Yale  6. Yale 7. Brown  7. Dartmouth 8. Dartmouth  8. Columbia Julio R. Varela  Colin F. Boyle Assistant Sports Editor  Staff Writer 1. Harvard  1. Harvard 2. Princeton  2. Princeton 3. Cornell  3. Cornell 4. Penn  4. Yale 5. Yale  5. Brown 6. Columbia  6. Penn 7. Brown  7. Columbia 8. Dartmouth  8. Dartmouth Michael D. Stankiewicz  Hector I. Osorio Staff Writer  Photography Chairman 1. Princeton  1. Harvard 2. Harvard  2. Princeton 3. Yale  3. Penn 4. Cornell  4. Cornell 5. Penn  5. Yale 6. Brown  6. Brown 7. Columbia  7. Dartmouth 8. Dartmouth  8. Columbia Week 1 Columbia


Location: New York. N.Y. 10027

Year Founded: 1754

Enrollment: 3,300

Stadium (capacity, turf): Lawrence A. Wien Stadium at Baker Field (17,000. natural)


Color: Columbia Blue

Nickname: The Lions

1988 Schedule  1987 Results Sept.  17  at Harvard  Harvard  0-35 L   24  Lafayette  at Lafayette  7-38 L Oct.  1  at Pennsylvania  Pennsylvania  0-23 L   8  Princeton  at Princeton  8-38 L   15  at Yale  Yale  13-27 L   22  Bucknell  at Bucknell  20-62 L   29  at Lehigh  Lehigh  10-26 L Nov.  5  at Dartmouth  Dartmouth  10-12 L   12  Cornell  at Cornell  20-31 L   19  Brown  at Brown  16-19 L

Sept. 17, Harvard Stadium, 1:30 p.m. Week 2 UMass


Location:Amherst, MA 01003

Year Founded: 1863

Enrollment: 19,000

Stadium (capacity, turf): Warren McGuirk Alumni Stadium (16,000. natural)

Color: Maroon

Nickname: The Minutemen

1988 Schedule  1987 Results Sept.  10  Maine  Maine  14-31 L   17  at Ball State  at Richmond  51-52 L   24  at Harvard  James Madison  15-21 L Oct.  1  Boston University  Rhode Island  42-7 W   8  at Rhode Island  at Delaware  34-37 L   15  Connecticut  at Connecticut  17-21 L   22  at Delaware  Boston University  10-7 W   29  Northeastern  Holy Cross  10-54 L Nov.  5  at Richmond  at Villanova  27-44 L   12  Villanova  at New Hampshire  10-17 L   19  at New Hampshire  at Northeastern  27-7 W

Sept. 24, Harvard Stadium, 1:30 p.m. Week 3 Holy Cross


Location: Worcester, MA 01610

Year Founded: 1843

Enrollment: 2,550

Stadium (capacity, turf):Fitton Field (23,500. natural)

Color: Royal Purple

Nickname: The Crusaders

1988 Schedule  1987 Results Sept.  3  Rhode Island  at Army  34-24 W   10  at Army  Lafayette  40-11 W   17  at Lafayette  at Lehigh  63-6 W   24  at Princeton  Colgate  49-7 W Oct.  1  Harvard  at Dartmouth  62-23 W   8  Dartmouth  at Bucknell  48-10 W   15  Lehigh  Brown  41-0 W   22  at Brown  at Massachusetts  54-10 W   29  at Colgate  Harvard  41-6 W Nov.  12  Bucknell  William & Mary  40-7 W   19  Northeastern  at Villanova  39-6 W

Oct. 1, Fitton Field, Worcester, Mass, 1:30 p.m. Week 4 Cornell


Location: Ithaca, NY 14851

Year Founded: 1865

Enrollment: 12,600

Stadium (capacity, turf): Schoellkopf Field (27,000. artificial)

Color: Carnelian Red

Nickname: The Big Red

1988 Schedule  1987 Results Sept.  17  Princeton  at Pennsylvania  17-13 W   24  Colgate  Colgate  3-27 L Oct.  1  at Lehigh  Lafayette  17-12 W   8  at Harvard  Harvard  29-17 W   15  Brown  at Brown  15-23 L   22  at Dartmouth  Dartmouth  21-14 W   29  at Lafayette  Bucknell  6-20 L Nov.  5  Yale  at Yale  9-28 L   12  at Columbia  Columbia  31-20 W   19  Pennsylvania  at Princeton  6-23 L

Oct. 8, Harvard Stadium, 1:30 p.m. Week 5 Dartmouth


Location: Hanover, NH 03755

Year Founded: 1770

Enrollment: 4,000

Stadium (capacity, turf): Memorial Field (20,416, natural)

Color: Dartmouth Green

Nickname: The Big Green

1988 Schedule  1987 Results Sept.  17  Pennsylvania  Princeton  3- 34 L   24  Lehigh  at New Hampshire  3-41 L Oct.  1  at Davidson  Davidson  38-7 W   8  at Holy Cross  Holy Cross  23-62 L   15  Harvard  at Harvard  3-42 L   22  Cornell  at Cornell  14-21 L   29  at Yale  Yale  7-17 L Nov.  5  Columbia  at Columbia  12-10 W   12  at Brown  Brown  0-19 L   19  at Princeton  at Pennsylvania  7-49 L

Oct. 15, Memorial Field, Hanover, N.H., 1:30 p.m. Week 6 Princeton


Location: Princeton, NJ 08544

Year Founded: 1742

Enrollment: 4,400

Stadium (capacity, turf): Palmer Stadium (45,725, natural)

Colors: Orange, Black

Nickname: The Tigers

1988 Schedule  1987 Results Sept.  17  at Cornell  at Dartmouth  34-3 W   24  Holy Cross  at Davidson  42-6 W Oct.  1  Brown  at Brown  7-13 L   8  at Columbia  Columbia  38-8 W   15  at Bucknell  Lehigh  16-15 W   22  Harvard  at Harvard  19-24 L   29  Pennsylvania  at Pennsylvania  17-7 W Nov.  5  Colgate  Colgate  15-39 L   12  at Yale  Yale  19-34 L   19  Dartmouth  Cornell  23-6 W

Oct. 22, Palmer Stadium, Princeton, N.J., 1:00 p.m. Week 7 Brown


Location: Providence, RI 02912

Year Founded: 1764

Enrollment: 5,519

Stadium (capacity, turf): Brown Stadium (20,000, natural)

Colors: Seal Brown, Cardinal Red

Nickname: The Bruins, The Bears

1988 Schedule  1987 Results Sept.  17  Yale  at Yale  17-7 W   24  at Rhode Island  Rhode Island  17-15 W Oct.  1  at Princeton  Princeton  13-7 W   8  Pennsylvania  at Pennsylvania  17-38 L   15  at Cornell  Cornell  23-15 W   22  Holy Cross  at Holy Cross  0-41 L   29  at Harvard  Harvard  9-14 L Nov.  5 Maine  at Lehigh  10-7 W   12  Dartmouth  at Dartmouth  19-0 W   19  at Columbia  Columbia  19-16 W

Oct. 29, Harvard Stadium, 1:30 p.m. Week 8 Boston U.


Location: Boston, MA 02215

Year Founded: 1839

Enrollment: 13,200

Stadium (capacity, turf): Nickerson Field (17,500, artificial)

Color: Scarlet

Nickname: The Terriers

1988 Schedule  1987 Results Sept.  10  at Rhode Island  at Indiana State  34-3 W   17  James Madison  New Hampshire  20-27 L   24  Villanova  Maine  19-33 L Oct.  1  at Massachusetts  at Villanova  7-14 L   8  at Maine  Connecticut  31-7 W   16  Richmond (at London,  Rhode Island  16-13 W   England)  at Massachusetts  7-10 L   22  at The Citadel  Richmond  24-33 L   29  New Hampshire  The Citadel  7-34 L Nov.  5  at Harvard  at Colgate  0-38 L   12  Connecticut  at Colgate  0-38 L   19  at Delaware  at Delaware  10-17 L

Nov. 5, Harvard Stadium, 1:30 p.m. Week 9 Penn


Location: Philadelphia, PA 19174

Year Founded: 1740

Enrollment: 9,250

Stadium (capacity, turf): Franklin Field (60,546, artificial)

Colors: Red, Blue

Nickname: The Quakers

1988 Schedule  1987 Results Sept.  17  at Dartmouth  Cornell  13-17 L   24  Bucknell  at Bucknell  24-31 L Oct.  1  Columbia  at Columbia  23-0 W   8  at Brown  Brown  38-17 W   15  Colgate  Navy  28-38 L   22  Yale  at Yale  22-28 L   29  at Princeton  Princeton  7-17 L Nov.  5  at Lafayette  at Lafayette  23-14 W   12  Harvard  at Harvard  14-31 L   19  at Cornell  Dartmouth  49-7 W

Nov. 12, Franklin Field, Philadelphia, Pa., 1:00 p.m. Week 10 Yale


Location: New Haven, Conn. 06520

Year Founded: 1701

Enrollment: 5.150

Stadium (capacity, turf): Yale Bowl (70,896, natural)

Color: Yale Blue

Nickname: The Bulldogs, The Elis

1988 Schedule  1987 Results Sept.  17  at Brown  Brown  7-17 L   24  Connecticut  Connecticut  30-27 W Oct.  1  at Navy  at Hawaii  10-62 L   8  Army  William & Mary  40-34 W   15  Columbia  at Columbia  27-13 W   22  at Pennsylvania  Pennsylvania  28-22 W   29  Dartmouth  at Dartmouth  17-7 W Nov.  5  at Cornell  Cornell  28-9 W   12  Princeton  at Princeton  34-19 W   19  at Harvard  Harvard  10-14 L

Nov. 19, Harvard Stadium, 1:00 p.m.
