When David S. Cohen '88 steps up to the lectern on June 8, he plans to give the graduating class a preview of what Harvard will look like a century from now.
Cohen's speech, which he said yesterday will be based on the "actual fact" of his journey into the future, will be delivered as the Ivy Oration on Class Day. Cohen will be joined by Daniel L. Hurewitz '88, who will deliver the annual Harvard Oration, and Millicent T. Lawton '88, who is giving the Radcliffe Oration. The three were selected by the Class Day Speeches Subcommittee last month, said Wister Walcott '88, chairman of thecommittee.
Cohen, a past president of the Lampoon, said hedecided to attempt the humorous Ivy Orationbecause "it was the natural one for me to do."
"It's more fun than the other speeches," saidCohen, who refused to disclose any other detailsof his address.
"For me, the overriding resource has been mypeers," said Lawton of her speech. "It's moreabout people than it is about the institution."
Lawton said she preferred the Radcliffe Orationto the lighter Ivy speech. "It's hard to be funnyin a way that's going to be appreciated," shesaid.
The Radcliffe and Harvard orations areunusually challenging because speeches must beapproved for both written content and finaldelivery, Lawton said. In addition, she said thatthe oration offered her a chance to make a lastingimpression on the Harvard community.
"Even though you get nervous, its nice to knowyou're making a mark," she said.
Hurewitz could not be reached for commentyesterday.
The three were chosen from a group of about 20candidates who submitted speeches in early Aprilto the Class Day Speeches committee, Walcott said
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