
Librarian Takes New Service Post

One Harvard administrator will make the jump from Gutenberg to General Electric this year as he takes over a new librarian post.

Lawrence Dowler has presided over the University's collection of rare books and manuscripts at Houghton for more than five years. But with his appointment to a new post this January, he now has more than old tomes on his hands.

Dowler will become the first Associate Librarian of Harvard College for Public Services next fall, as part of a University-wide effort to upgrade the access undergraduates have to library resources, officials said yesterday.

At his new job, Dowler will help manage Harvard's computer storage plans, whichinclude the collection and centralization ofresources from every one of the University's 48repositories. Such improvements will allowstudents to scan library bibliographies on theirpersonal computers at home.

At Houghton, Dowler's work has centered on thecollection, preservation and exhibition of ancientmanuscripts and letters.


"The automation is not as emphasized as therare stuff," said the librarian. "But that's wherethe future of Harvard's library is."

Dowler said that he is excited by the prospectof students having all of the University'scataloging resources at their fingertips.

When he watched over Harvard's rare texts,however, the librarian said he had to balance thedesire to open Houghton up to the students withconcerns about preserving the materials.

"What we've got here at Houghton is reallyunparalleled," the librarian said. "Unfortunately,it's probably better known in Europe than it is inHarvard Yard."

Harvard University Library Director SidneyVerba lauded Dowler for his efforts to improveaccessibility at Houghton. "Larry's leadership hasresulted in significant improvements in the areaof user access," said the director in a pressrelease.

Y.T. Feng, librarian of the College, said sheis looking forward to Dowler's turning his talentstoward technology. "With the introduction of theon-line catalog next fall, the role of publicservice will be pivotal," Feng said. "The CollegeLibrary is fortunate to be able to call on him,"she added.

Dowler said he is also proud of the improvementof Houghton's financial status over the last fouryears. "I will be handing over to my successor afinancially healthy institution," theadministrator said. "It was not that way when Icame.
