
Laxmen Hold High Hopes for Ivy Season

Captains: Michael Bergmann, Bil. Pennoyer, and Richard van den Broek

1987 Record: 10-4 overall, 4-2 Ivies

Current Record: 2-0 overall, 1-0 Ivies

Home Games: Ohiri Field

The Harvard men's lacrosse team--ranked 15th in a national poll--has high aspirations for this year.


Last season the team posted a 10-4 record and tied for second-place in the Ivy league, and first-year Coach Scott Anderson believes this year's team can improve on last year's respectable record.

"Last year we had a small differential in goals for and goals against, but we still had a good record," said Anderson. "Our defense will be even stronger this year. Now our offense has to live up to its potential. If we don't rely on our defense so much we'll do a lot better."

With three tri-captains playing in the backfield, the Crimson's defense should still be extremely strong.

Tri-Captain Michael Bergmann, who will start in the nets for Harvard, posted the best save percentage in Division I lacrosse last year.

"He's an inspiration to our kids," Anderson said. "We play pretty conservative defense, it's nice to know you can give up a lot of shots and not pay for it."

"He's a wall," said Dan O'Sullivan, a freshman midfielder.

Bergmann will get a lot of help. Tri-Captain Bill Pennoyer, an All-American standout, will be called upon to anchor the Crimson defense.

"He's no doubt one of the best players in the nation," Anderson said. "There's usually one player on every team that dominates the offense. It's nice to have someone who can neutralize anybody, all the time."

Tri-Captain Richard van der Broek and senior Brian McGinley will also provide valuable support as first line defenders, while sophomores Chris Bentley and Michael Murphy and junior Andy Barnard comprise the second-line defense.

The Crimson's midfield is led by the steady hands of junior Rob Griffith, a native of Garden City, N.Y., who is the best cutter and one of the best clearers on the team.

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