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To the Editors of The Crimson

I was disturbed by the deficient account of Daryl Bem's talk entitled "Raising Feminist Children in a Sexist World" as reported by a Crimson writer in the March 16th issue. The talk was organized and sponsored by The William James Society, Harvard's undergraduate psychology organization.

A relatively small and extremely financially tenuous undergraduate organization, the William James Society, like many other Harvard clubs, attempts to increase awareness of its existence on campus in many ways and tries to sponsor events that will interest the university community at large. While the William James Society had gone to great lengths to plan and publicize this event, our organization was not even mentioned in the article. This was distressing to me personally for two reasons. First, without the recognition which we are due, members who helped to plan this event feel unappreciated and unrewarded. Second, the article was devoid of any mention of how students might be able to participate in future talks or activities of this kind. In summation, I believe that the Crimson did a disservice to both the William James Society and the, student body as a whole by only partially reporting a story and by failing to inform students of an opportunity available to them on campus. Lisa M. Bornstein '89   President, William James Society
