

Two Sides of the Kirkland Debate


To The Editors of the Crimson

In light of recent discussions about house stereotyping and housing imbalances, we tutors at Kirkland House would like to go on record with some concerns of our own.

First, we resent the stigmatization of Kirkland House students as "jocks." We are in fact a diverse house--our students are active in academics, community service, the arts and an array of extracurricular activities, including athletics. If others in our community would look beyond the surface, they will find unpretentious, accepting individuals who don't fit easy stereotypes. We value diversity in our house community and seek to foster it.

Second, we regret the uninformed vilification of Masters Don and Cathy Pfister recently in the Crimson. Within our house community and in their various responsibilities as masters, the Pfisters have worked consistently to guard against easy stereotyping and to advocate a full and rewarding College experience for all of our students. Their record is clear for those who care to examine it.

The houses are adjuncts of the College's educational commitment. Shouldn't breaking down stereotypes be an important element of this education? Let's quit pointing fingers and get on with our learning. The Resident Tutors of Kirkland House


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