
Pool Tournament Held in Union

Competition Part of Plan to Increase Use of Game Room

Thirty-seven students participated in a pool tournament at the Union Game Room Saturday, in one of a series of social programs designed to draw freshmen together.

The tournament, which lasted throughout the afternoon and evening, was organized by Val Rodriguez '91, the manager of the Game Room. Players were charged $2, an entrance fee equal to the price of one hour of regular game play, and refreshments were served, Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez said that the tournament was successful, because "the purpose was to get a lot of people in the Game Room," and the event attracted many spectators in addition to the players.

The winner of the pool competition, Craig H. Unger '91, received a $50 gift certificate at the store of his choice. The other two finalists, Richard M. Ugarte '91 and Robert F. Sanfilippo '91, were also awarded gift certificates. The prizes were donated by Woburn Vending, the company which rents the video games to the Game Room, Rodriguez said.

All three finalists are Game Room attendants, said Ugarte, but he added that it makes sense. "We like pool and play it more," he said. Other tournament participants agreed that the competition was fair.


Rodriguez, who took office in February, said that he has many new ideas for the Game Room. He has brought back free movies on Friday and Saturday nights and begun serving free drinks during the movies. He said he plans to hold another pool tournament in May and expects approximately 64 participants.

Many competitors in Saturday's match said that they enjoyed the tournament and are looking forward to the next one.

"It provided good competition and a good time for pool players," said Adele Villemez '91, who was eliminated in the first round.

"I did enjoy it, even though I had some bad luck," said John Oh '91.

Kirk J. Stowers '91, a semifinalist, said of the tournament. "The people who were running it were also in it." But he added that "they were the best ones in it."

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