

Shooting Blind


To The Editors of the Crimson:

Has Julio Varela ever engaged in any physical activity more demanding than climbing into and out of his bunk bed? An otherwise informative article in the 11 February edition discussing the American chances for glory in the Calgary Olympics is tainted by "Reporter" Varela's remark about the biathalon. "Who," he asked, "would want to win a medal in a 'sport' that combines cross-country skiing with target practice? Except maybe Charles Bronson." Who indeed?

Maybe this slander of a SPORT that combines the incredible stamina required to race several kilometers on skis with the amazing ability to quiet one's nerves and 100+ pulse long enough to target shoot accurately arises from some insecurity about the reporter's own lethargic existence. I have never raced biathalon, but I have raced on cross-country skis and I have fired at targets many times. I for one have great respect for any athlete who can skillfully combine the two.

Reporter Varela, your education in Cambridge is not composed solely of the four or five classes you take each semester. Try opening your mind, and you may find that you will actually deserve the degree Harvard admitted you to earn. Thomas P. Lockerby '87


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