To the Editors of the Crimson:
Soon after coming to work at Harvard a few months ago, I became a supporter of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers (HUCTW). From the outset I was impressed with their efforts and ideas, and with the manner in which they approached me as a new employee. I felt no pressure to become a supporter, but felt that they gave me every opportunity to learn about the union and then to make a well-informed decision on my own. I have never been disappointed by my decision.
I felt that last week's election of representatives to the pre-negotiation sessions with the University only served to strengthen my support and faith in the union. Although I was unable to vote myself because I joined the Harvard staff too late to sign a membership card, I in no way felt badly or left out. I realize that the union had to make a decision regarding who would be eligible to vote at this time, and I respect their decision. I will have plenty of opportunities to take part more actively in the future, and I look forward to signing a card soon and to casting a ballot for the negotiating committee that will negotiate our contract in the near future. Katherine Schacht Widener Acquisitions Receipts
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