

Each time a heckler tried to interrupt North's talk, however, vigorous shouting matches ensued, and many members of the crowd screamed to the protestors, "USA! USA!" and "Ollie!

Meanwhile, outside the athletic building, several hundred students from a BC committee formed this year to protest North's appearance, calling themselves the Committee to Resurrect the Social Justice Lecture Series, staged a candlelight vigil and a rally outside the gymnasium.

The protestors held signs reading, "BC to Ollie: Crime Does Pay" and chanted, "Ollie North has to go. Boston College, just say no!"

North told the crowd that they should follow traditional American values, calling himself, "not so much a former Marine, who gave 25 years of his life to his country" and "not so much as a former White House aide, but as the husband of one, father of four."

He spoke of the imperative to fight Communism, in praise of President Reagan and of the right to freedom of speech.
