

Yale Game Seats


To the Editors of the Crimson:

This past Saturday, I walked to Soldiers Field to view my last Harvard-Yale game as a student. Because I am a senior, I anticipated a good seat which would allow me to watch the game from the best possible vantage point.

During my sophomore year, I stood on a grandstand at the corner of the end-zone with other sophomores. As anyone who has been there can attest, almost any seat anywhere else in the stadium is better. But like a good sophomore I accepted that seniority has its privileges.

I was in utter disbelief, however, upon arriving at my assigned spot this year; seniority had garnered me a seat behind a large doric column at the top of the stadium.

Seeing as this was the third straight year I had lousy seats at the Yale game--at the Yale Bowl last year, I was seated in the first row on a concourse of moving people--I grew somewhat irate and began to vocalize my displeasure with my fellow section mates.


We all agreed that these seats were not "befitting a Harvard Senior." Given that the Soldiers Field stadium can only hold 38,000 people, I understand that alumni and University dignitaries fill up a majority of the choice seats on the Harvard side, making it difficult to seat all the students in good seats

However, I would ask those responsible for seating to reconsider their arrangements. How difficult can it be to insure that every senior gets a good seat--there are only 1400 of us, and of that number how many attend "The Game?" William Weil '89
